Cherish Every Moment:

The Journey of Breastfeeding


is a deeply personal and transformative journey, a dance of nourishment, love, and connection.

As I reflect on my breastfeeding experience, I am filled with a mix of emotions. This beautiful yet challenging chapter of my life has taught me the importance of cherishing every moment, even the hard ones, because they fly by so quickly.

Breastfeeding is a mother’s gift to herself, her baby, and the earth.
— Pamela K. Wiggins

The Reality Behind the Picture-Perfect Moments

Breastfeeding isn’t always the serene and picturesque experience often portrayed. My journey was filled with endless days following sleepless nights, with my sick little ones clinging to me for comfort. Mastitis visited more times than I care to remember, leaving me feeling like a milking cow.

I spent countless nights drenched in breastmilk, changing beddings, and enduring sore, hot, and bothered days.

My wardrobe was milk-stained for months during those first 6-8 months.

Despite these challenges, breastfeeding was a magical time. It was a time for bonding and connection that’s truly unique and empowering. The fact that we can nourish our babies with something our bodies create is nothing short of mind-blowing.

A Personal Story of Commitment and Love

I chose to breastfeed both of our daughters on demand, which meant that sometimes I spent the entire night in the same position as I was not only a food source but also their pacifier.


our eldest, was a horrible sleeper and hungry little sergeant who would wake me on average 10 times each night.

Co-sleeping was a blessing as I only had to turn towards the crib, and she was ready to be fed. Lily weaned at 20 months old when I got pregnant with Aina.


has just weaned recently at the age of 3 and a half years. In the past year and a half, it was more for comfort than for feeding.

This was a very special connection I could have with her. Often people raised eyebrows at breastfeeding her at that age, but I wanted to let her decide when she was ready to wean. I am not going to lie; it wasn’t always easy. There were moments when I was too bothered to breastfeed and wanted her to stop. But I am glad I didn’t force it and allowed it to happen in its natural rhythm.

The days are long, but the years are short. Cherish every moment of your breastfeeding journey.
— Unknown

Embracing the Moment

Breastfeeding is a special opportunity to connect with our little ones, but we also have to be present. Not on our phone, not watching TV, but cherishing the deep, nurturing connection we can start to build with our little one. Looking into my little one’s eyes, holding her tiny fingers, and admiring the life that has been created and is growing in front of my eyes is empowering and oftentimes mind-blowing.

The end of breastfeeding marks the end of an era—a bittersweet reminder of how quickly time passes. Even in the midst of the difficult days, it’s important to hold on to those precious moments of closeness and nurturing.


Reflecting on the Journey

As I wrap up this beautiful yet challenging chapter of breastfeeding, I'm filled with mixed emotions. It's truly the end of an era, and it's got me reflecting on every moment. Here are some reminders for all the mamas out there on this journey:

  • The sleepless nights will eventually turn into peaceful rests.

  • The endless nursing sessions will become cherished memories of bonding and comfort.

  • The challenges will fade, but the love and connection will remain.

To all the mamas out there, hold on to every moment. It might not always be easy, but it’s a precious time you’ll look back on with gratitude. Remember, motherhood is a series of fleeting moments, each one worth cherishing.


With love and support,


Progress Over Perfection:


The Importance of Quality Time