Welcome to
The Magic of Motherhood!
I'm Eva Szollar, a certified yoga teacher, retreat leader, and Integrative Nutritional Health Coach.
I help rundown moms who want to stop losing their temper to create structure & peace through holistic practices that result in a happy family life.
the raw realities of modern motherhood. I offer simple yet powerful tools to navigate the common challenges of overwhelm, overstimulation, guilt, and self-doubt. My goal is to empower fellow moms to avoid the burnout I experienced during my second pregnancy and the early postpartum months with a newborn and a strong-willed, high-need 2-year-old.
I once believed I wasn't good enough. I pushed myself relentlessly, ignoring my intuition and needs, just to meet the impossible standards that modern society imposes on us. Here, I share my journey and insights to help you embrace self-compassion and thrive in your unique motherhood experience.
Join me as we navigate the complexities and joys of motherhood together, unlocking the true magic of our journey.
Losing My Autonomy:
Explore motherhood's hidden challenges:
lost autonomy, a demanding child, and moments that reshape independence in this deep dive into a mother's transformative journey.
Why Unstructured Play is Essential for Children’s Development
Unstructured play is a natural and essential way for children to learn, grow, and have fun, as it fosters their creativity, curiosity, and well-being.
Read on to find out more about this essential play form and their benefits.