Finding Calm Amidst Chaos:

Practical Tips for Busy Moms

Hey there, magical mamas!

Let's start with a big, warm virtual hug, because, boy oh boy, do we know the rollercoaster ride that is motherhood.

The highs, the lows, the unexpected twists and turns—it's all part of the wild journey we signed up for when we embarked on this adventure called parenting. But amidst the chaos and craziness, it's crucial to remember one thing: you are amazing, you are resilient, and you've got this.

Now, let's talk about something that's been on all our minds lately: stress.

Yep, that pesky little thing that seems to sneak its way into every nook and cranny of our lives, especially when we're knee-deep in the trenches of motherhood. From the never-ending to-do lists to the constant juggling act of balancing work, family, and everything in between, it's no wonder we often find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and frazzled.

But fear not, dear mama, because I'm here to share some tips and tricks to help you find a little slice of spaciousness in the midst of the madness.

So grab a cup

of your favorite beverage, take a deep breath, and let's dive in.

First things first, let's talk about time—or rather, the lack thereof. Between getting the kids ready for school, packing lunches, and trying to remember if you turned off the stove before leaving the house, mornings can feel like a whirlwind of chaos.

But here's the thing: rushing around like a headless chicken isn't doing anyone any favors.

So why not add a little extra prep time into your morning routine? Wake up just 15 minutes earlier, lay out clothes the night before, and give yourself and your kiddos the gift of a stress-free start to the day.

Next up, let's tackle the digital beast.

Ah yes, our beloved smartphones, the ever-present source of distraction and comparison. It's all too easy to get sucked into the black hole of mindless scrolling, endlessly comparing ourselves to other moms who seem to have it all together. But here's the truth: social media is just a highlight reel, and comparing your behind-the-scenes to someone else's highlight reel is a recipe for disaster. So do yourself a favor and limit your screen time. Set boundaries, turn off notifications, and prioritize real-life connections over virtual ones.

For over a year I have the social media notifications disabled on my phone and I can honestly say, it has significantly reduced my stress level not hearing those regular beeps and reaching for my phone all the time. 

Now, onto everyone's favorite topic: organization.

Or, more specifically, the lack thereof. I get it, trying to keep track of appointments, playdates, and grocery lists can feel like a full-time job in itself. But here's where a good old-fashioned task manager can work wonders. Whether it's a fancy app on your phone or a trusty old notebook, find a system that works for you and stick to it.

Write down your to-dos,

prioritize your tasks, and watch as your mental load begins to lighten.

I used to think that trying to remember all important tasks and appointments was like a memory boosting activity for my brain.

Can´t be any further from the truth, it only created me extra and unnecessary stress. Since I am noting all important info in my calendar and task manager app my brain feels lighter and brighter. With my husband we also use a joint shopping list on our phone, so every time we see that something is running out in our household we write it on the shopping list to ensure it’s not going to be forgotten during the next shopping. 

Let's talk about the power of delegation.

As moms, we often fall into the trap of trying to do it all ourselves, convinced that asking for help is a sign of weakness. But here's the reality: it takes a village to raise a child, and there is absolutely no shame in reaching out for support when you need it.

Whether it's asking your partner to take on more household chores, enlisting the help of a babysitter for a much-needed break, or

simply saying "yes"

when a friend offers to lend a hand, remember that you don't have to do this alone.

And speaking of finding spaciousness in our lives, here's one more tip that might just be the most important of all:

Embrace imperfection.

As mothers, we often put immense pressure on ourselves to be perfect—to have the perfectly organized home, the perfectly behaved children, and the perfectly curated Instagram feed.

But here's the thing: perfection is an illusion, and striving for it only leads to unnecessary stress and disappointment. Instead, embrace the beauty of imperfection.

Embrace the messy house, temper tantrums, and less-than-perfect moments; they reveal the true magic of motherhood. So give yourself permission to let go of perfectionism, and embrace the beautifully imperfect chaos that is motherhood.


it's okay to have a sink full of dirty dishes, to skip bath time every once in a while, and to let the laundry pile up.

What matters most is the love and laughter that fill your home, not the unrealistic standards of perfection that society tells us we should strive for.

And there you have it, my fellow magic-making mamas. Five simple tips to help you find a little more spaciousness in your day-to-day life.

But before I sign off, I want to leave you with one more nugget of wisdom: be kind to yourself.

Motherhood is messy, chaotic, and downright exhausting at times, but it's also beautiful, miraculous, and filled with moments of pure magic. So take a deep breath, give yourself a pat on the back, and remember that you are doing an incredible job. You've got this, mama. And together, we'll keep creating magic one day at a time.

With much love,


Nurturing Ourselves, Nurturing Them:


Life lessons