My Year in Review:
Achievements, Wins, and Lessons
This time of the year
most of us sit down to consider our achievements, wins, and lessons. For me this year was a transformative one, both professionally and in personal life. In this blog post, I want to share with you some of the highlights and challenges that shaped me in 2023, and what I learned from them.
1. Life goes on
The shock of losing my Mum
This was a tough one and I am still assimilating it. The sudden loss of my Mum in the beginning of last year was a total shock and at some points I was really expecting the word to stop. I still remember looking out of the kitchen windows at my Mum´s place, seeing the trees blossoming and I was wondering “How is it possible?” It felt like the world was mocking me, continuing its cycle while my life was shattered.
The process of healing
It took me over a year to start enjoying life again or being excited about it. When she passed away I kind of went on autopilot mode, kept going because my daughters needed me. I tried to cope with the grief by keeping myself busy, but I soon realized that I was only avoiding the pain, not healing it.
The acceptance of reality
Around springtime I started to recover from that thick grief fog and begin to feel real joy, became curious about learning, and felt appreciation for my life. As the whole inheritance process concluded and with my brother we packed up Mum´s house I felt like the whole process came to a full circle and I came to accept that life goes on. Grief still comes in waves, sometimes hits me unexpectedly, other times I can feel it building up during days, but I am learning to live with it. I am grateful for the memories I have of my Mum, and I try to honour her legacy by living a meaningful and happy life.
2. Progress over perfection
The challenge of patience
Patience has been my Achilles heel for decades. I have been working on it consciously for so long, but I think it is a life project for me. This year I really started to embrace, both in professional and personal life that small and consistent steps lead to progress. How many times have you felt frustrated or guilty for not being the perfect parent, partner, or professional? I know I have, more times than I can count. But this year I learned to let go of the unrealistic expectations I had for myself and others and focus on the journey rather than the destination.
The power of consistency
I never thought that motherhood and parenting would be the most powerful self-growth journey. I am working on being a role model for my daughters, living by example, but without being rigid about it. But I am far from perfect and often I don´t react to situations the way I would have liked to. In the beginning I was beating myself up for reacting the “wrong” way, but slowing I am learning to reprogram my reactions. On days when I slip, I take a big breath, apologize to my kids, and go on with life. Admitting to our kids that we also make mistakes and showing them how to handle the situation is also a lesson they need to learn, in my opinion. Patience is a muscle that needs to be trained and stretched.
The reward of growth
In the professional area I also came to understand that I can´t build up my own business from one day to another. But if I show up with honesty, consistency, and curiosity to learn and grow, results will come. This blog has been in the making since the middle of summer. With a friend of mine we have been working on a podcast since September. Huge learning curve, we had to push back launching so many times, but we are taking it with grace and patience and in January we will be able to launch. I am proud of the progress we have made, and I am excited to share our work with you soon.
3. Prioritize myself and my wellbeing
The importance of selfcare
I talk about it a lot here and on social media as well, because I think the importance of it is often overlooked. I learned it in a hard way. I burnt out during my second pregnancy that dragged on till Aina was about 6 months old. I was a stay-at-home mom and for weeks I would literally take no time for myself. Nothing at all. Thanks to the health coach training I realized what I was going through and little by little I made changes in my life to start making time for myself. The loss of my Mom put a sudden break on that project. Around early spring I started to incorporate small, but consistent changes into my daily routine to make sure I have time set aside for myself, and most importantly I have learnt not to feel guilty about having time for myself. I really wonder why mothers feel so often guilty about taking time for themselves.
The benefits of selfcare
I have noticed that taking care of myself has a positive impact on my health, my mood, and my relationships. I feel more energized, more balanced, and more confident. I am more patient, more compassionate, and more present with my kids, my partner, and my friends. I am more creative, more productive, and more motivated in my work. I am more joyful, more grateful, and more optimistic in my life. Self care is not selfish, it is essential.
The ways of selfcare
I have learned that self-care is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It is different for everyone, and it can change depending on the situation, the mood, or the season. I have also learned that self-care does not have to be expensive, time-consuming, or complicated. Sometimes self-care is taking the dog for a walk on my own, or just sitting down on the sofa for 10 minutes doing absolutely nothing. Sometimes self-care is reading a few pages of a book, listening to a podcast, or watching a movie. Sometimes self-care is meditating, doing yoga, or dancing. Sometimes self-care is cooking, baking, or gardening. Sometimes self-care is writing, colouring, or singing. Sometimes self-care is pampering, shopping, or travelling. Sometimes self-care is saying no, setting boundaries, or asking for help (another big lesson I am learning currently). Self-care is whatever makes you feel good, whatever fills your cup, whatever nourishes your soul.
What about you?
I hope you enjoyed reading my year in review, and I hope it inspired you to reflect on your own achievements, wins, and lessons. I would love to hear from you, so feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message. What are you proud of? What are you grateful for? What are you working on? What are you looking forward to?
If you need some help or guidance with your personal or professional growth, I am here for you. As a certified health coach and a life-long learner, I can offer you support, accountability, and resources to help you reach your goals and dreams. You can book a free discovery call with me here .
Thank you for being part of my community and thank you for your trust and support. I wish you a happy and healthy new year, full of love, joy, and growth. See you in 2024! 🎉
With much love,